Step 1: Log In to the Online Software Activation Website
- Go to the Online Software Activation website and log in using your Entitlement ID or Activation ID:
- Entitlement ID: Displays all licenses linked to this ID.
Activation ID: Displays the license linked to this specific ID.
If some licenses are expired, you can still log in, but a notification will appear.

If all licenses are expired, you cannot log in. A notification will inform you, and you’ll need to contact Materialise for assistance.
Step 2: Download the Software
- After logging in, the DOWNLOADS page will appear, showing installers based on your license.
- Choose the desired Product and Version, then click Download.
Step 3: Install the Software
- Follow the on-screen instructions in the installer to complete the software installation.
Step 4: View License Information
- Go to the License tab to view details such as:
- Module Name
- Expiration Date
Quantity (This indicates the total number of activations allowed, not current usage).
- To see actual license usage, use the End-User Portal. Click here for more details.
- Expired products are highlighted in red under the Licenses tab.