Build processor selection dialog troubleshooting

If you are experiencing problems with selecting the desired Build Processor (BP), here are some solutions

If you are experiencing problems with selecting the desired Build Processor (BP) in the dialog, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

Ensure the Build Processor is installed

BPs can come as a .exe file (Classic BP) or a .bppack file (NextGen BP).

  • To install a Classic BP, double-click the .exe and complete the installation process.
  • To install a NextGen BP:
  1. Please ensure that the BPpack Manager is installed on the system first. The installer name should be “BPpack Manager [version number].exe”. Double-click it to start the installation process.
  2. After installing the BPpack Manager, double-click the .bppack file to install the Build processor.  

No Machine Added in Build Processor Manager  

  • After the BP installation, please ensure that you have added the desired machines from the Build Processor Manager.  Go to the Build Processor Manager -> Add a Machine 


You should now be able to select your desired Build Processor in the BP selection dialog. If you still experience issues, contact customer support for further assistance.



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